healthy food

Make Smart Choices for Your Optimal Health

Beautiful Courtney SmartyPants blue eyes blond makeup by Beauty Affair AgneOur beautiful and clever client Courtney Nichols Gould ( CEO of SmartyPants vitamins ) talks about making smart choices for your optimal health.

We recommend this article for people who judge themselves . Follow Courtney's recommended three steps and make a change!

Check out her speech on Mind Body Green blog - Why You're The Expert On Your Health

Photo by Tomas Skaringa

Makeup by Agne Skaringa (Beauty Affair )

Healthy Food

Do you want a glowing skin? Healthy body? Be in shape and happy? Lets start from good eating habits and healthy food!

I found these great advices online and I decided to share them with you. If you have a hard time choosing your grocery products,simply open this blog on your smart phone for healthy suggestions.

For tasty and healthy recipes check our Pinterest!

Be healthy! :)